
National Electrical

The World of Renewable Energy and Electromobility is rapidly taking the place of conventional practices and energy sources.

Renewable energies are the present and the future of the world’s energy production. As the marketplace begins to adopt the ideology behind Electric Vehicles and Non-conventional energy sources such as Solar, it’s imperative to have the right partner to navigate the changes and transitions. Our teams here at National Electrical are well versed in this new and exciting market segment.

Our Services

Renewable Market Segments We Serve

EV Charging

Electric Vehicles are moving from once being “Niche” to now becoming mainstream, the Norm if you will. There are currently around 2.3 million electric cars in the U.S market as of December 2022, accounting for a dismal 1% of total number of cars in U.S. For comparison, in 2018 there were only out 400,000 electric vehicles on the road. That’s a staggering increase in just a few short years, and the market is only gaining traction. National Electrical is leading the charge in the EV space. We have the right Vendor Partners /Product for the market and a knowledgeable team to back it up.


With the constant increase of power consumption in the world, the demand on the electrical grid has surpassed what our current infrastructure is set up for. The focus on Renewable Energy Sources has transitioned from being an alternative, to more so now becoming necessity. We are committed to leading the way in Renewable and Sustainable energy, focused on providing the right products and training to continually perpetuate the “Green Movement”